Project Summary

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Project image thumnail

Conversion of AutoCAD Parcel drawings to Shapefile format

Converted AutoCAD to Shapefile format

Project Problem

The Forest Preserve District of Will County had a library of AutoDesk drawings representing the County-owned parcel boundaries that they wished to have converted into a master Esri shapefile to be used in the County’s GIS. Tabular data containing the Parcel ID number was to accompany the shapefile.

Project Solution

Using an Excel spreadsheet of Parcel ID Numbers provided by the District, Great Arc determined the proper Parcel boundary on the AutoDesk drawings based on the multiple PIN numbers compiled for each separate Parcel. Grouping the PIN numbers together by Parcel, the built-in AutoDesk search tool was used to locate each specific PIN number annotation on the drawing. Great Arc was then able to determine the boundary of each Parcel based on the PIN numbers provided, and the Parcel was digitized in AutoDesk onto a new layer. Each newly digitized Parcel was tagged with attribute data of the Parcel ID. Once each AutoDesk drawing was digitized, the Parcel layer was exported to a new shapefile. After all Parcel shapefiles were created, they were all merged into a single master Shapefile that encompasses the entire County.



  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Access
  • ESRI ArcMap 8.3
  • AutoDesk Map 5