Designed and developed a web mapping application that displays traffic accidents for analysis
In 2009, Great Arc designed and developed a Flex mapping application to replace a previous desktop version of the Minnesota Crash Mapping and Analysis Tool (MnCMAT). The updated MnCMAT displayed all traffic accidents for the state of Minnesota over a ten-year period, and allowed crashes to be filtered by geographic location as well as by any of dozens of attributes. Maps were rendered using the ESRI Flex API for ArcGIS Server. Great Arc also developed a set of .Net web services to communicate with the source Oracle database to provide data to the Flex client application.
MnDOT wished to replace the existing web-based MnCMAT application hosted by Minnesota IT Services at the Department of Transportation with a vendor cloud hosted solution that was web-accessible, provided authenticated access to current data, could be easily and quickly maintained and enhanced on a continual basis, and expanded the functionality provided by the existing MnCMAT application. A rewrite of the existing application was required to address issues with maintainability, supportability, ability to make enhancements and the currency of data and meet the State’s ongoing and long-term needs. The project had to directly support MnDOT’s strategic direction to make its transportation network operate better by improving traveler safety, as well as the TZD initiative by providing intuitive access to an easy-to-use tool along with reliable, timely data that Local Government Agencies (LGAs), local law enforcement agencies and the State’s other partners need to reduce the number of deaths and injuries resulting from traffic crashes in the State. This project also needed to support the MnDOT strategy of standardizing the architectural characteristics of the applications they support, in an effort to reduce costs and improve reliability.
Great Arc provided design, development, hosting, and application support services to develop a new application in order to deliver all client requirements while also meeting all GIS and application architecture standards as published by the Minnesota IT Services (MNIT) and the Geospatial Information Office (MnGEO).
We replaced the existing application using a secure, supported and cloud-hosted solution. This solution provides more current crash data to Local Government Agencies (LGA) and local law enforcement, thus reducing the amount of requests to MnDOT for crash data. Application functionality has been expanded over the previous version in response to user feedback. Accessibility has been increased for LGAs and local law enforcement agencies by providing a GIS tool with the capability to independently perform more complex analysis of crash data.