Developed Homeland Security applications for managing critical infrastructure and analyzing events
DuPage County wanted to upgrade an existing Homeland Security Application for managing critical infrastructure called Critical Infrastructure Location Management (CILM) from an ASP to an ASP.Net application. CILM would provide users from various departments within DuPage County, as well as cities and villages throughout the County, with a common location to manage infrastructure elements considered important for their own organization. Additionally, the County wanted to build an application that would provide first responders with access to GIS data and incident or event information while in the field. The Critical Analysis Module (CAM) would allow multiple users to access information about an event while in the field.
For the CILM application, Great Arc’s task was to update the code from ASP to ASP.Net. In doing so, the interface and functionality would remain the same. Users are able to place a location on an ArcIMS-generated map. When doing so, the ArcSDE database is updated with the location. Additionally, attribute information about each location is stored in the SDE database. This attribute information is first entered when the location was placed, but can subsequently be updated using web forms within the application.
For the CAM application, users log on to a secure website to create a scenario. Once the scenario is created, users are able to determine a location of the scenario. Spatial features can be selected as part of the scenario, and if appropriate, they can be buffered. Scenarios can also be created by clicking a point on the map which represents where a spill or other event has taken place. Once this is done, the application generates isolation and protection zones. In all instances where a buffer area or zones are created, the application reports on other spatial features as part of the scenario. In this way, users of the system can view and understand what other types of features are now part of the scenario. In building a web application, a user can create and store a scenario, and other users can log on to the system and access information about the scenario.
In both the CILM and CAM application, the SDE C API was replicated in Visual Basic .NET. This allowed for a single application to manage and control the adding, updating, and deletion of SDE data.